- Allegany County Public Schools
- Bel Air Elementary School
- National Red Ribbon Week 2022
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- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
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- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Center for Career and Technical Education
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Flintstone Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- Frost Elementary School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
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- Parkside Elementary School
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- West Side Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Welcome Back 2021
- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
- Mountain Ridge High School
- Mt. Savage School
- Parkside Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Celebrating National Red Ribbon Week 2022
During the week of October 24-28, 2022, students and staff at Bel Air Elementary School pledged to be "Drug Free" during National Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is an opportunity to spread awareness about the dangers of bullying and drug and tobacco use. Bel Air used this week to teach students how to develop good habits that will lead to their future success. Staff stressed that making positive choices and living beyond the influence of others is the best way for them to live a happy and drug-free life. Additionally, when students see others their age engaging in bullying or destructive behaviors, they should not be afraid to tell an adult. Whether it is in school or outside of the building, vigilant kids can go a long way towards protecting their friends.
In 1988, Congress officially designated the last week of October as Red Ribbon Week, and to date, for more than 20 years, Bel Air Elementary School has joined millions of students and adults across America to celebrate and raise awareness.
Organized by first grade teacher, Daphne Snyder, during Red Ribbon Week at Bel Air, students and staff had the opportunity to participate in a variety of daily activities to help them be drug-free. Additionally, students and staff wore their drug-free red ribbons, provided by the school, all week. A culminating movie night, courtesy of the school's PTO, was also organized.
- Monday, October 24th: "Being Drug Free is No Sweat!" (wear sweats, sweatpants, sweatshirts, or hoodies)
- Tuesday, October 25th: "Don't Let Drugs Mix You Up!" (wear mixed up clothing, mismatched socks and shoes)
- Wednesday, October 26th: "Ready to Live Drug Free!" (wear as much red as possible)
- Thursday, October 27th: "Our Dreams Are Too Big for Drugs!" (wear pajamas and slippers)
- Friday, October 28th: "Say Boo to Bullying and Drugs!" (wear Halloween costume for the Fall Festival)
- Monday, October 31st: "We Scare Away Drugs!" (wear black and orange or Halloween-themed clothes)
Bel Air students S.O.A.R. during the Fall Festival as they are encouraged to remember the school's vision:
- Stay Safe: stay in line and with your class, move carefully in your costume, and stay alert
- Own Your Behavior: following directions and have fun, stay calm, enjoy the music and decorations, and say please and thank you
- Actively Learn: participate in movement activites, wear a costume, go trunk or treating
- Respect All: show appreciation for the Fall Festival, help others clean up, stay in your personal space, and compliment nice costumes and trunk designs
Red Ribbon Week 2022