- Allegany County Public Schools
- Summer 2022 Highlights
- Secondary Summer Camp
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- 2022 5th Grade Outdoor School
- Welcome Back 2022!
- Summer 2022 Highlights
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- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
- Braddock Middle School
- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Center for Career and Technical Education
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Flintstone Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- Frost Elementary School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
- Mountain Ridge High School
- Mt. Savage School
- Northeast Elementary School
- Parkside Elementary School
- South Penn Elementary School
- Washington Middle School
- West Side Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Welcome Back 2021
- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
- Mountain Ridge High School
- Mt. Savage School
- Parkside Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Secondary Summer Camp
ACPS Hosts Successful Secondary Summer Camp for Students with Disabilities; 6-Week Program Emphasized Hands-On Science and Math Curricular Concepts
Allegany County Public Schools concluded a successful six-week secondary summer camp for students with disabilities on Thursday, July 28, 2022, that culminated in an outdoor carnival celebration. Student attendance throughout the duration of the program was high as participants were excited to take part in hands-on activities in thematic units that included magic, sports, animals, water, agriculture, and space. Ultimately, this summer camp encompassed Extended School Year, COVID Recovery, High School Credit Recovery, and Compensatory Services as appropriate for each individual student’s needs.
Additionally, the summer camp placed an emphasis on middle school science and math curricular concepts, specifically identifying and solving fractions. Students also had the opportunity to participate in robotics and social emotional learning activities that aligned with each week’s theme.
ACPS staff will conduct pre and post assessments that will focus on growth in mathematical concepts, especially in identified goal areas outlined on student IEPs.
A highlight of the program featured partnerships with a variety of community organizations, which included the Allegany County Food Pantry, Crossland Dairy, Wheelhouse Academy, a NASM personal trainer, WCBC Radio Sports, PKR Athletics, Riverside YMCA, Allegany High School’s volleyball and basketball coach, Kick Masters Karate, 4-H Cumberland University of Maryland Extension Office, Joint Training Facility, Maryland DNR, and Walnut Ridge Farms.
Todd Wilson of the Allegany County Sheriff’s Department provided law enforcement presence during the camp, and ACPS supported the camp by offering and promoting mindful eating and healthy food choices activities. School Therapy Services also provided staff who supported all activities by engaging students and providing occupational and physical therapy inside classrooms.
“The ACPS transportation, food services, and maintenance departments did a superb job of meeting the unique needs of our students,” said Dr. Wendy Main, Supervisor of Secondary Special Education.” Dr. Main went on to say, “We’d like to give a special shoutout to the core development team, the administration of Braddock Middle School, and the summer staff at Eckhart School for all of their hard work bringing this camp together.”