Cresaptown: At a Glance

  • Administration:

    Enrollment: (updated 10/2022)

    • 267

    A Quote from the Principal:

    "Cresaptown Elementary is committed to providing students with optimal learning opportunities, enabling them to reach their full academic and social potential."


Cresaptown Elementary School


Cresaptown Custodians

  • Cresaptown Elementary School was originally built in 1930. A classroom addition was added in 1940, and then the entire building was renovated in 1997. The now 63,084 square foot building is situated on 5.47 acres, and the custodians at the school take the utmost pride in making sure that you’d never know its age. Head custodian, Jim Bogie, and his staff of Mark Nicol, Curtis Kesner, and Allen Steele are responsible for maintaining both the interior and exterior of the school on a daily basis, which includes such things as opening the building, preparing for Breakfast in the Classroom, and ensuring that the heat and air conditioning is in working order. Over the summer months in preparation for the start of a new school year, this crew removes and cleans all furniture, cleans light fixtures, repaints the walls, and scrubs and waxes the floors. According to school principal, Scott Llewellyn, “They work so hard and really take such pride in their work. Our school has been said to be one of the cleanest in the system.” 

Attendance Incentive Program

  • attendance counts New this year, Cresaptown Elementary School has implemented an attendance incentive program to encourage all students to strive for regular attendance. Research shows that attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves and reduces the risk of academic failure.

    According to Cresaptown school counselor, Tracey Little, “In the past we were focusing more on truancy issues or unexcused absences. Now we are more focused on the academic impact of students missing school.” She went on to say that the school’s goal is to educate families as they make a universal effort to move students into the satisfactory range for absences, which is nine days or less. Those students who have chronic absenteeism miss eighteen or more days a year.

    Little conducted a staff development at the beginning of the school year to onboard teachers to the new attendance incentive program. Chronic absenteeism can have many negative impacts on not only the absent student, but also teachers, who loose valuable preparation and instructional time because of the need to attend to absences. Classroom instructional activities are also more difficult when students are frequently absent. As part of this new program, teachers will emphasize the importance of attendance in their classrooms, help to promote school wide incentives, and display daily attendance for students to see.

    A variety of incentives will be used to provide opportunities for children to be positively rewarded for coming to school. Students and classrooms will be recognized with awards throughout the year, culminating in an end-of-year grand prize drawing for new bicycles. Classrooms with 100% attendance will be honored each day during announcements. The classroom with the highest average daily attendance rate at the end of each month will receive a trophy and banner to be displayed inside and outside of their classroom. Finally, every nine weeks, one student from each classroom will be randomly selected to be the “Gold Dollar Winner”, and students who have maintained regular attendance during a nine-week period will be recognized at a quarterly awards assembly.

    attendance Cresaptown has sent letters as well as an attendance tracker home to parents to help them monitor a student’s absences. “We will also monitor each student’s attendance across the year sot that we can work with families when the number of absences puts a student at risk,” said school principal, Scott Llewellyn. “When families make school attendance a priority, they help their child get better grades, develop healthy life habits, and build positive relationships with both peers and adults.”

Playground Grand Opening

  • At the end of last school year, Cresaptown Elementary School celebrated the grand opening of their new school playground. During the student-led ceremony, the school recognized the many of the contributors who helped make this new playground a reality. These groups included Project Open Space, Cresaptown Eagles Ladies Auxilliary, Cresaptown Civic Association, Bel Air Citizens Committee, the family of Sharlene Knippenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Belt, the family of Ellen Cross, Staci Rank, Jennie Lockard, Janet Wilson, the Pressman Family, the Cresaptown Thursday Night Basketball Group, Cresaptown Dental, LLC, ACT 1st Federal Credit Union, First Peoples Community Federal Credit Union, Armstrong Insurance Agency, Showcase Homes, Howard Strauss, DDS, ACPS Maintenance Department, and the Cresaptown PTO. Additionally, a balloon release was held to honor the memory of Sharlene Knippenberg, who was an instructional assistant at the school for fourteen years.