- Allegany County Public Schools
- Past Spotlights
- Cash Valley Elementary School
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- Cash Valley Elementary School
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- 2022 5th Grade Outdoor School
- Welcome Back 2022!
- Summer 2022 Highlights
Past Spotlights
- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
- Braddock Middle School
- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Center for Career and Technical Education
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Flintstone Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- Frost Elementary School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
- Mountain Ridge High School
- Mt. Savage School
- Northeast Elementary School
- Parkside Elementary School
- South Penn Elementary School
- Washington Middle School
- West Side Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Welcome Back 2021
- Allegany High School
- Beall Elementary School
- Bel Air Elementary School
- Cash Valley Elementary School
- Cresaptown Elementary School
- Fort Hill High School
- George's Creek Elementary School
- John Humbird Elementary School
- Mountain Ridge High School
- Mt. Savage School
- Parkside Elementary School
- Westernport Elementary School
- Westmar Middle School
Cash Valley: At A Glance
- Dr. Lisa Stevenson, Principal
- Mr. William Dwyer, Assistant Principal
Enrollment: (updated 9/2022)
- 275
School Theme:
- Every Connection Counts
Cash Valley Elementary School

Maker Spaces
Jill Robertson, media specialist at Cash Valley, oversees Maker Spaces in the media center. Students working in Maker Spaces use the writing process, media, visual literacy, adn technology skills to create products that express new understandings. Students collaborate with others to broaden and deepen their understanding and connect that understanding to the real world. While working together, students can contribute to the exchange of ideas within their learning community and demonstrate teamwork by working productively with their peers. Ms. Robertson's Maker Space consist of a variety of robotics, building, and problem-solving tools that students can use to accomplish all of this. Coding and robotics tools include Ozobots, Dash and Dot, Osmo, Cubelets, Blockley, and online strategy websites. Students wishing to build something from scratch can utilize Keva Planks, Strawbees, legos, Power Klix, or K'Nex. And those students wishing to work on advanced problem-solving skills without robotics can work with Beasts of Balance, Q-B-Maze, and Little Bits. Once the daily media lesson concludes, students can select from the Maker Space menu and work in small groups with any of these tools. "One condition I have is that when I visit their station, the students have to explain to me what they are trying to accomplish," said Robertson. In all, Maker Spaces are a great way to allow students to collaborate with each other to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and problem solve.
Mindful Moment Room
Cash Valley’s school psychologist, Sara Olson, created a Mindful Moment Room for students at the school. "I thought it would be neat to create a space where children could practice their mindfulness, and also where any student could come to take a break and reset if necessary," said Olson. Students are instructed to remove their shoes prior to entering the room, and then they have the opportunity to choose a tool that they feel might help them feel better. Such tools include glitter jars for visual stimulation, breathing balls, stress balls, thinking putty, a calming turtle, bubbles, coloring activities, water beads, a weighted blanket, and a buddha board. Once a student enters the mindfulness room, the teacher sets a timer and they utilize all that the room has to offer until they feel calm enough to return to class. Tapped to the walls are also a variety of yoga poses and breathing strategies for the students to try.
Mindful Moment Room

Maker Spaces

Beginning last year, Cash Valley implemented the use of coreboards for non-verbal or minimally verbal students as a means to help them build their communciation skills. Coreboards feature icons of most frequently used words that students can use as a system to communicate. Several classes are also utilizing individual coreboards that also feature fringe vocabulary allowing students to work on colors, feelings, etc. According to speech pathologists, Jessica Aydelotte and Katie Lewis, a good many students are definitely bennefitting from the use of coreboards to build their communication skills.