About Us

  • allegany county map Allegany County is the second westernmost county in Maryland, located between Pennsylvania and West Virginia with an approximate population of 73,700.  

    Allegany County is home to fourteen public elementary schools, four public middle schools, three public high schools, one technical school, and one alternative placement program. All twenty-two schools are staffed by highly qualified teachers. All schools are divided into "feeder systems" which are determined by geographic location.  Elementary schools feed into middle schools, which feed into one of the county's three high schools.


    The Board of Education of Allegany County, in its effort to provide quality education for all students, seeks a full partnership with the parents and agencies in the county. The Allegany County Public Schools are very fortunate to have PTAs, PTOs, and the Allegany County Parent Advisory Council, which consists of dedicated individuals who work hard to support the education of our children. The students of Allegany County's Public Schools are held accountable to the highest standards.

    In addition to improvement in assessment test scores in support of student achievement and academic success, all county schools and the system have adopted various improvement initiatives, including the revision of the Bridge to Excellence Master Plan, individual school improvement plans, staff development that aligns with the Master Plan, the Assessment Management System and the PARCC test tracking system, to continue to help our students progress well into the future.