• Allegany County Public Schools is now offering... 
    Biomedical Sciences (BMS)
    This CTE Completer Program is a four course sequence (one course per year for each grade level 9-12) open to all high school students beginning in the Fall of 2014.
    Biomedical Science is ...
    • a combination of the study of biology, health, and medicine.
    • professionals working collaboratively to diagnose disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment through analysis and scientific research.
    • professionals developing diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies. 
    • a versatile study which serves as an excellent background for many professional degrees and occupations. 

    PLTW Biomedical Science Courses include:

    Biomedical Science careers are among the fastest growing in Maryland.  As of 2010, Maryland is home to more than 500 core bioscience companies, representing approximately 8% of the U.S. Industry.  The PLTW BMS program is preparing students for careers in this field by giving them the tools they need to compete and win in a rapidly changing 21st century economy.


    The video below is from the perspective of a BMS Student... 

    The Nolan Gardner Experience from ACETV ACPS on Vimeo.

    The PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program is a sequence of courses that promotes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education through proven hands-on real-world problem-solving approach to learning. 
    To learn more about other exciting programs click on the PLTW image . PLTW
    For more information about the PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program or any other PLTW courses please contact:
    Joseph Brewer, Supervisor of CTE Programs, Phone: (301) 729-1105, etx. 4602
    Eric VanSkyke, Science Supervisor, Phone: (301) 759-2405