Destruction of Special Education Student Records

  • In accordance with the guidelines and standards for the retention and disposition of student records as adopted in the Records Retention and Disposition Manual for Public School Systems of Maryland, individual special education records not required or specifically regulated by other state or local regulations shall be destroyed when they no longer serve a legitimate education purpose. The retention period for Special Education records such as Individualized Education Programs (IEP), Special Service Information Systems (SSIS), Assessment Reports, IEP Team Meeting Summary sheets and Notes and Medical Assistance Records is 6 years.

    Any student who received special education services or evaluation during any time enrolled with Allegany County Schools and their date of birth being between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997 may contact the Special Education Department at 301-759-2065 to make arrangements to obtain their records. If notification to obtain records has not been received at the Special Education Department by August 14  2024, the records will be destroyed.

Destruction of Infants and Toddlers Program Early Intervention Records

  • The collection, maintenance, distribution and destruction of early intervention records are subject to the requirements of many different statutes. At the federal level are the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Regulations (FERPA), the Federal Educational Department General Regulations (EDGAR), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Regulations (IDEA) and the Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Regulations (Part C). In accordance with these guidelines and standards, individual early intervention records not required or specifically regulated by other state or local regulations, shall be destroyed when they no longer serve a legitimate early intervention purpose. The retention period for Early Intervention Records including Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP), Assessment reports, service coordination logs and Medical Assistance Records is six years.

    Any child whose early intervention services were ended due to ineligibility or who reached the age of three, or exited the Allegany County Infants and Toddlers Program and received early intervention services or evaluation during any time enrolled from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, may contact the Allegany County Infants and Toddlers Program at 301-759-2065 or 301-759-2415 to make arrangements to obtain a copy of their child’s early intervention folder. If notification to obtain records has not been received at the Allegany County Infants and Toddlers Program office by August 14, 2024 all records will be destroyed.