- Allegany County Public Schools
- Blended Virtual Learning Program Application
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Blended Virtual Learning Program Application Grades K-6
Allegany County Public Schools will offer a Blended Virtual Learning Program to any student in Grades K-6 enrolled in ACPS for the 2021-2022 school year, who due to an extenuating circumstance, need an alternative to in-person learning. Students who are admitted into the blended virtual learning program will attend the program for the set length of time per year (180 days) that is required for public school students.
Prior to completing an application for this blended virtual program, it is critical that parents and students review and understand the conditions necessary for academic success in a blended learning environment. These requirements and responsibilities are outlined on the program application. If a student was not enrolled in a Maryland public school for the 2020-2021 school year, they will need to provide a copy of their birth certificate, proof of residency, and immunization records prior to enrollment in the school system. Applications for the Blended Learning Program are available HERE. All applications will be screened for eligibility, and submission of an application does not guarantee admission into the program. Parents will be notified of acceptance/non-acceptance. An orientation will be held at a later date for students accepted into the program. If you do not have access to complete the online application, please contact Tammy Darr, administrative secretary, at 301-759-2015.
About the Program
The Allegany County Public School will provide a K-6 Blended Virtual Learning Program that aligns with the district’s curricula and 180-day school calendar, albeit the start and end times may differ from the schedule in the brick and mortar building. The Blended Virtual Learning model will be delivered by synchronous instruction provided by the local school system educators to students in remote locations and complemented by the asynchronous use of assignments and resources.
- Synchronous Learning - Remote learning that happens in real-time with the interaction between the teacher and students that occur in a face-to-face environment or in a virtual classroom setting (i.e. access from home via web conferencing).
- Asynchronous Learning - Learning that occurs online without real-time interaction or instruction by an educator. Examples may include, but are not limited to, pre-recorded video lessons, resource videos, assigned readings, and posted assignments.
- Blended Learning Program- A combination of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning that requires access to the Internet, an electronic device, web conferencing tools, and a learning platform. Students will be given the same screeners and benchmarks as their grade level peers, and they will follow the same course and state-mandated assessment requirements as the traditional, fully face-to-face programs. For statewide mandatory testing and any national exams, students may be required to attend their home school and participate in testing sessions at school sites. No options for virtual delivery will be provided unless specifically permitted under the assessment implementation guidelines.