Contact Information

Phone: 301-759-2064


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Debbie Metheny

Director of Special Education and Student Services

The Student Services Department supports the school system's vision and mission by taking a proactive role in providing educational opportunities for all students. Services provided include counseling and conferences with children and parents; identifying and assisting children and families in accessing services to address unmet needs (home, school, community); identifying physical, emotional, social, and financial barriers preventing students from succeeding in school; investigating custody, residency, and out-of-district issues; coordinating hearings for students suspended from school and ensuring due process for all students.

Other Contact Information

    dunn court
    Name: Tracey Dunn Court
    Title: Assistant Supervisor of Student Services
    Phone: 301-759-2066
    Name: Mr. Shaun Lewis
    Title: AP Coordinator
    Location: Eckhart Alternative Program
    Phone: 301-689-3483
    Name: Kaylyn Paige
    Title: Pupil Personnel Secretary
    Phone: 301-759-2001