Middle School After School Educational Programs

  • Each middle school in Allegany County will offer an After-School Program that will positively impact student grades, provide enrichment in English, science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), and connect students with partners that support STEAM, health, environmental literacy, college, careers, civic readiness, and drug-free lives. After-school programs are an imperative support mechanism that can substantially increase academic achievement, creativity, health, and wellness for at-risk students in Allegany County.

    Middle schools in Allegany County will expand the academic opportunities for approximately 50 students in each school.  The goal of the program is to meet or exceed state standards for "proficient" as measured by the state assessments.  The objective is to increase performance in reading, math, and science, and to promote civic engagement, college & career readiness, enrichment opportunities, environmental stewardship, and living a drug-free life.

    This program centers on after-school activities such as tutoring, homework assistance, hands-on education, service learning, enrichment, and physical activities, and STEAM-focused instruction.  Academic instruction includes instruction and tutoring in math, reading, science, and technology.  Students are provided a hot meal provided by HRDC of Allegany County, and transportation is provided to specific community locations each day for students who reside outside a 1.5-mile radius from the school site.

    The middle school After School programs are currently funded by Cares and Local funding sources. The vision of the program is for all Maryland youth to become positive, productive citizens engaged in their community.

    For more information contact the appropriate site leader below.

    The Middle School After-School Programs begin on November 1st, 2023, and operate on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for 3 hours each day.


     BRADDOCK LOGO BR ARIAL               washington logo WA ARIAL

                       BRADDOCK                                                 WASHINGTON 

    Braddock Site Leader: Jackie Boor; Email: jaclyn.boor@acpsmd.org 

    Washington Site Leader: Johnny Morris; Email: johnny.morris@acpsmd.org 


    MS           MS School                     WM   WM School

                      MOUNT SAVAGE                                                   WESTMAR 

    Mount Savage Site Leader: Jason Neighly; Email: jason.neighly@acpsmd.org 

    Westmar Site Leader: Amy Duncan; Email: amy.duncan@acpsmd.org


Program Rules

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