- Allegany County Public Schools
- Parent Helper - Weblinks
After School Programs
Page Navigation
- Path 2 Help - Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more.
- Guide to Bullying Prevention - Parents who understand bullying and the effect that it has on kids can make strides to prevent it from occurring.
- Committee for Children: Social & Emotional Learning Programs - Award-winning social skills curricula for the prevention of bullying, youth violence, and child abuse; also family education, training, and technical assistance.
- ACPS Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting - use this link to report
- Bullying in the U.S. - Rates, Tips, and Resources - This site helps with identifying the types of bullying and the frequency of occurrences across the U.S.
- Bullying by the Numbers: A Breakdown of Bullying Statistics and Facts
- Child Care Council of Suffolk - Information for families and child care providers, and a feature which allows you to search for local child care.
- DrGreene.com - Caring for the Next Generation - Alan Greene, M.D., provides thorough answers on pediatric topics such as bed-wetting, ear infections, eating/nutrition, potty training, and sleeping.
- The Informed Parent: Voice of the Pediatric Medical Center - A group of California pediatricians has developed this newsletter-style site with articles on health, behavioral and emotional issues related to child development.
- KidsHealth - Health information for parents, kids, and teens from medical experts of the Nemours Foundation.
- MEDLINEplus - Child and Teen Health Topics - A service of the National Library of Medicine, over 25 child and teen health topics are listed including ADD, autism, child safety, ear infections, rubella, SIDS, teenage pregnancy, toilet training & bedwetting.
- TeensHealth - Health information written for teens from medical experts of the Nemours Foundation, including body basics, sexual health, food & fitness, and safety.
- WebMDHealth - Parenting and Pregnancy - Health news for the public, medical news for physicians, and up-to-date medical reference databases. Special features include Q&As, and Live Web events.
- Health Finder - Information to help you and your loved ones stay healthy
- How to Prevent High School Students from Experimenting with Drugs and Alcohol
- ConsumerAffairs.Com - An independent service which provides safety information, links to consumer resources and newsletters, and links to recall notices arranged by categories.
- Fire Safety - Join arson dog, Hershey as he tells adults and children what they need to know about fire safety.
- The I'm Safe! Network - This site is dedicated to providing information to help parents and their children make smart choices to avoid unintentional injury.
- Keep Schools Safe
- Love Our Children USA - A national grassroots organization dedicated to public awareness and advocacy concerning child abuse, with links to information and resources.
- National Safe Kids Campaign - Find the latest news, product recalls, and invaluable tips on how to keep your kids safe.
- Parents For Megan's Law - Parents For Megan's Law, Inc. is a not-for-profit national community and victim's rights organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood sexual abuse through the provision of educational, advocacy, policy and legislative support services.
- Partnership for a Drug-Free America - This site provides FAQs about drugs and an extensive database that can be searched by a drug's actual or slang name or by image.
- The Safety Zone - The National Resource Center for Safe Schools works with schools and other agencies to create safe learning environments.
- SafetyAgent.com - An easy and free online source for timely notifications of product recalls, defective products, automotive recalls and other safety and health information.
- Toysafety.net - A project of the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups. You can sign up to receive children's safety e-mail alerts and to report toys that may be unsafe.
- Keeping Kids Safe in Cyberspace
- Calm Young Children; explain to older kids
- Cornell expert advises parents on how to help children cope with news of terrorist attacks
- Helping Children Understand Crisis and Trauma
- Recognizing Stress in Children
- DrugRehab: A Substance Abuse Guide for Parents
- DrugRehab Teens: Teen Drug Abuse
- How to Prevent High School Students from Experimenting with Drugs and Alcohol
- Partnership for a Drug-Free America - This site provides FAQs about drugs and an extensive database that can be searched by a drug's actual or slang name or by the image.
- AddictionResource - Learn how to recognize addiction
- Everything you Wanted to know about the deadly drug Flakka
- All Treatment: List of Teen Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Near You (Me)
- Addiction Group: Find help for your addiction - you don't have to overcome it alone.
- Department of Education - Financial Aid
- Family Education Network: Teacher Vision: Printables: Mathematics Flashcards - Generates flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using integers from one to twenty.
- Family Involvement in Children's Education: successful Local Approaches - Designed by the U.S. Department of Education to help school administrators, teachers, policy makers and parents build strong family-school partnerships, this site includes 20 case studies which illustrate the correlation between success in school and family involvement.
- GT World - An on-line support community for parents of gifted and talented children. Includes definitions help in becoming familiar with educational and psychological terminology.
- Helping Your Child Learn Math - This is the online version of the printed parent booklet, one of several in the popular series from the U.S. Department of Education. It includes guidelines for parents of children in pre-K to grade 7 to help their children learn basic mathematical skills such as sorting, classifying, comparing, computing and measuring.
- Helping Your Child Learn Science - This is the online version of the printed parent booklet, one of several in the popular series from the U.S. Department of Education. It includes activities to help children learn about plants, animals and the physical world.
- Hoagies' Gifted Education Page - The latest research on parenting and educating gifted children, plus Internet and print resources on the subject.
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - A source of information on the growth and education of young children, with a separate section on accreditation of early childhood centers, conferences and published materials. Includes searchable index.
- Petersons Guides
- Princeton Review
- Search for Private Schools - A powerful, fast and easy to use private school search tool from the National Center for Education Statistics.
- Barnes & Noble University - Choose from a wide variety of free online courses.
- The Children's Partnership - A national, nonpartisan organization providing information on the needs of America's children.
- December.com- A list of sites that help with all aspects of the Internet, from just getting started to advanced searching.
- Nassau Library System Parents Page - The best of what's available on the Internet and at the library on health and safety, learning, and many other parenting issues.
- Surfing the Net with Kids - The online version of Barbara Feldman's syndicated newspaper column "Surfing the Internet with Kids." Reviews, rates and organizes by subject kid-friendly, educational websites.
- Mighty Book - This site emphasizes reading and literacy skills for children on grades K-8.
- Online Bedtime Stories - For those night when you can't think up a single story.
- Reading Rockets - Check out the latest tips, activities and information about reading.
- ABC’S of Parenting - Reviews and ratings of the best websites selected by parents as being of interest to families.
- Divorceinfo
- FamilyFun - Now sponsored by Disney, this site includes articles from Family Fun Magazine.
- FatherMag.com - This web version of Fathering magazine includes articles for dads on topics such as single parenting, custody issues and the joys of being a father.
- Inside the Teenage Brain
- National Family Resiliency Project
- Parenting.com - Provides access to over 3,000 articles from Parenting, Family Life, and Baby Talk magazines.
- The Whole Family Center - A light-hearted approach to dealing with difficult family issues through advice columns and text-only versions of audio dramas on topics like discipline and sex.
- Back of the Net - Official website of the Long Island Junior Soccer League, Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, and the Long Island Ladies Soccer League.
- Dr. Toy
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (National Institute of Mental Health) - This site provides a wealth of information on ADHD including the symptoms, causes and sources of help.
- Exceptional Parent Magazine - This site presents a vast amount of information for parents, families, and professionals caring for children with disabilities.
- LD OnLine: The Interactive Guide to Learning Disabilities for Parents, Teachers, and Children - Updated frequently, this site is a great place to stay current with the latest news and developments. Includes online newsletter and a bulletin board.
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Association - Basic information, special features and event announcements appear on this official file.
- The National Center for Learning Disabilities - The Center provides leadership in support of children, teens, and adults with learning disabilities. Information for parents includes warning signs of learning disabilities.
- Numerous publications for parents on disabilities can be downloaded. The site may be viewed in Spanish and the publications are available in both English and in Spanish.
- One A.D.D Place - Information and resources relating to Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Division and Learning Disorders.
- Young Mommies Help Site - The Young Mommies Help Site, a welcoming safe zone on the net for young/teen moms and mothers-to-be. The YMHS' mandate is to "support, inform, and connect young mothers so they can better face the challenges of parenting". This site includes young mother discussion/chat groups, a weekly chat with other moms, a pen pal directory, links to helpful sites, resources, and information, and much more.