Physical Education for Students with Disabilities

  • The Fitness and Athletic Equity Act asks local school systems to promote and protect the inclusion of students with disabilities into mainstream physical education. 
    The Board of Education believes in the importance of offering physical education and athletic programs to all students. It is the policy of the Board of Education that all students with disabilities have equivalent opportunities for participation in mainstream physical education and interscholastic athletic programs.  Appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities shall be provided.
    The ACPS regulation for Corollary Physical Education & Athletics (FILE: IHBA-1) can be located by clicking here.
    • All ACPS students are assigned to courses based on 100% full inclusion by grade level not by clinical level.  Students are then provided support services where needed and as indicated on their IEP or 504 plan.
    • Adaptive Physical Education is an option intended for those students who cannot meet grade level outcomes because their needs require that they receive a different physical education program than their peers.

    The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has released A Guide for Serving Students with Disabilities in Physical Education.  This resource can be used to assist with decision making in regard to providing quality physical education opportunities to students with disabilities.

    Parents can find helpful links and resources related to Adaptive Physical Education and other topics related to disabilities and support services by logging on to:
    For more information about Adaptive Physical Education or the inclusion of students with disabilities into mainstream physical education please contact:
    Mrs. Tracey Leonard

    Debra Metheny

    Assistant Supervisor of Health & Physical Education

    Director of Special Education & Student Services

    Phone: 301-759-2404

    Phone: 301-759-2064

Last Modified on September 25, 2020