Parent/Family Engagement

  • ACPS welcomes parents/families as important team members in the educational process.  Research proves that student achievement is positively impacted by the involvement of parents/families in their child's education.  All Title I schools implement the Parent/Family Engagement Policy of the ACPS and align their plans with the ACPS Parent/Family Engagement Plan.

    Each school develops a Parent/Family Engagement Plan and proposed budget as part of its School Improvement Plan with input from parents.  Each school's Parent/Family Engagement Plan and budget are shared with parents.  The implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the plan are ongoing through parent participation and feedback Parent/Family Engagement Plans are available on each school's website for parent/community review and comment.

    Parent/Family Engagement Plan activities at each school are supported by the Title I Family Engagement Coordinators.  The coordinators arrange workshops and assist parents and staff with parent programs at their assigned schools.  The Title I parent involvement staff includes:


    1. Laura Biser,, Beall Elementary, Cash Valley Elementary, and Westernport Elementary 
    2. Heather Eisenhour,, South Penn Elementary
    3. Delsie Fazenbaker,, George's Creek Elementary, West Side Elementary, and Mount Savage Elementary
    4. Samantha Moon,, Cresaptown Elementary and John Humbird Elementary