Types of Programs

  • Targeted Assistance Title I Program


    • At least 40% of the student population is eligible for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS)
    • Title I funds are used to provide identified students with additional academic support
    • Children who meet any of the following criteria may be eligible for Title I services; have disabilities, are homeless, are neglected or delinquent, have limited English proficiency
    • All newly identified Title I schools are targeted assistance for one/two years

    Program Components

    • Meets the State's challenging academic standards
    • Strengthen the academic learning program
    • Coordinate with the regular education program
    • Provide professional development for staff
    • Build parent/family engagement
    • Coordinate with federal, state, and local programs
    • Assures that an accelerated, high-quality curriculum is utilized, minimizes out of classroom time, reviews the progress of students on a regular basis


    Schoolwide Title I Program


    • At least 40% of the student population is eligible for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS)
    • Title I funds are used to upgrade the educational program so that the education for ALL children is improved
    • All children are eligible for Title I services

    Program Components

    • Comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, which focuses on the achievement of students on the state academic content and achievement standards
    • Schoolwide reform strategies that are evidence based and are designed to address the needs of all students and especially the low achieving students
    • Strategies to increase parent/family/stakeholder engagement
    • Plans to assist preschool children in their transition from early childhood programs to elementary school
    • Coordination and integration of federal, state, and local services and programs including violence prevention, nutrition, housing, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training

    Each Title I school develops a Title I plan which has all of the Title I components and may be viewed on each school's website.  Title I plans are available in each school office for parent/community review and comment.  Annually, principals review the Title I schoolwide program with parents.