Community eFlyer Procedures

  • peachjar The Allegany County Public School System has contracted with Peachjar to provide electronic flyer delivery to our families. Community partners may register with Peachjar as an “Program Provider” and upload flyers for distribution to any desired school(s). To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, flyers will be emailed to all parents and posted online. Paper flyers from outside organizations will  continue to be distributed if an organizes so desires. 

    • Visit 
    • Register as a Program Provider (account type)
    • Upload a flyer for approval


    Flyers will be automatically submitted to the Office of Public Information. The ACPS Public Information Officer will review the material and approve or deny based on policy standards. Flyers will not be approved during district designated holidays or breaks. During those times, flyers will be approved the day before the holiday and the first day that the district reopens. Please make sure that flyers have been submitted at least one week before the event date.  Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.
     How to get started

    For Questions about Peachjar: 

    If you have any questions regarding getting started,
    please call 877-402-1786 or email