- Allegany County Public Schools
- Overview
Board Meeting February 11, 2025
The Allegany County Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 in the Washington Board Room at the Board of Education Central Office, 108 Washington St., Cumberland, MD 21502. At that time, it is anticipated that the Board will consider closure of the Open Session to meet in Executive Session, beginning at 3:00 p.m., to discuss personnel matters, negotiations, consult with counsel, and conduct administrative function. These discussion items are permitted under the Open Meetings Act, Section 10-508 (a)(1) and (a)(7) and Section 10-103. The Public Session will begin at 5:00 p.m.
The meeting agenda is accessible at https://bit.ly/
ACBOEBoardDocs . The public may also watch the livestream of the meeting at http://bit.ly/ACPSMedia.The Allegany County Board of Education is pleased to receive comments and ideas from our public pertaining to the policies, procedures, and/or practices of the school system. Public comment may be submitted by following this modified procedure. Community members may submit public comment via email to comments@acpsmd.org. Emails must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2025. Emails will be received and provided to the board members but will not be read during this meeting.
During the public comment portion of the meeting, the following topics excluded include:
- Individual personal issues
- Comments identifying individual students or staff members
- Matters that are on appeal or may be appealed
- Topics for which the Board schedules formal public hearings
- Advertising or solicitation for products and/or services
The following guidance applies to all methods of public comment:
The Allegany County Board of Education asks that comments be limited to a maximum of 5 minutes per individual, unless otherwise considered by the board president. The individual board members and superintendent will be offered the opportunity to respond to comments from the public in a separate section of the agenda. Any responses are the individual responses of the speaker and do not represent the board's response. The time allotted for each board member shall be limited to a maximum of 3 minutes. There will be no discussion or action taken at this meeting, but may be considered at a future meeting. Issues that are specific to individual employees should be referred to the immediate supervisor for appropriate consideration and review. Rude, slanderous, defamatory, inflammatory, vulgar, or threatening remarks or other behavior that is disruptive or interferes with the order of the meeting is not permitted.
Published 2/6/25