- Cash Valley Elementary
- Required Registration Documents
We offer 2 half-day sessions of Pre-Kindergarten 3. AM session is 8:40am - 11:30am. PM session 12:30 - 3:10pm. First come first serve. An adult must transport students as bus transportation is NOT provided.
We offer 1 full day session of Pre-Kindergarten 4. The session is from 8:40am - 3:10pm with bus transportation provided.Please mention any court documents that the school would need to have
When registering for either pre-kindergartner classes you must provide the following:
-birth certificate - (f you do not have a birth certificate on file, schools office has a form to complete to take place of the certificate until obtained.)
-social security number or card
-current proof of address (utility bill, rental agreement, bank statement, etc.) (residing at someone's residence. we have a document that will need notarized. you must also provide a bill in the name of the individual you are living with.)
-last years W2 tax formKindergarten
Birth certificate
Social security card or number
Current proof of address
Grades 1-5 registration:
signed record release to obtain previous school records
current proof of address
complete registration form