Character Education

  • Character Traits of the Month

    • August- Responsibility
    • September- Responsibility
    • October- Trustworthiness
    • November- Citizenship
    • December- Caring
    • January- Respect
    • February- Fairness
    • March- Respect
    • April-Trustworthiness
    • May- Caring
    • June- Perseverance


    Ways to Exhibit Responsibility at School
    Come to class on time and be prepared with essential materials, including facemasks, water bottle, laptop, charger, and backpack. Complete your classroom assignments and homework assignments. Ask questions if you are confused. Put your books on the book shelves during lunch. Return forms before they are due. Take care of obligations in a timely manner. Report to your bus on time at dismissal. Don't leave a classroom if you are a walker or ride with a parent or sibling until the walker dismissal is announced.


    Ways to Exhibit Trustworthiness
    Be honest in conversation and deeds. If asked a question, respond with the truth. If you have permission to use the restroom, only go to the restroom- don't wander the halls or go to other places. If you make a mistake, admit it. Don't make excuses. Keep your hands to yourself. Don't mess with other students' materials, books, or belongings. Don't take anything that doesn't belong to you. Report vandalism to the administration. Don't participate in bullying or illustrate disruptive behavior. Report to school on time and regularly. Be prepared for class. Do your homework. Study for quizzes.


    Ways to Exhibit Care
    Help a student struggling to carry his/her books. Pick up trash and put it in the trash can. Show consideration and cooperation to other students. Be kind and thoughtful to other students and to staff members. Thank the cafeteria workers when you receive your lunch. Participate in our community service outreaches, such our food drives.


    Ways to Exhibit Fairness
    Always be honest in word and deed. Think about other people and their feelings.


    Ways to Exhibit Respect
    No name calling or put downs. Don't use profanity or curse words. Avoid using inappropriate gestures. Use words like "Please and Thank you." Don't call out in the classroom. Walk on the right side of the hall to avoid bumping into other people. Don't cut in the cafeteria line. Don't "book" other students.


    Ways to Exhibit Trustworthiness
    Honesty-Tell the truth. Don't wander the halls when you have a utility pass to use the restroom. Complete your assignments and homework on time. Return school papers and permission slips on time. Don't spread rumors.