Attendance Policy

  • A student may miss no more than twelve days of school per year, down from fifteen.

    After the twelfth absence, a student must submit a doctor’s note in order for the absences to be excused.

    For students in grades 9-12 who have accumulated a total of fifteen unexcused absences, denial of high school credit for the courses in which the student is currently enrolled is a potential result.

    If a student accumulates a total of twenty absences, with at least five of those absences being unexcused, or ten consecutive unexcused absences, the student and his or her parent/guardian will face punitive action, up to and including criminal charges.

    Additionally, a parent may submit a note to document the illness of a child, for up to and including the twelfth cumulative day of absences for the current school year. This number is also down from fifteen prior to policy revisions.

    The school system is responsible for notifying parents and students of   accumulated absences and possible actions.

    Attendance notices will now  be sent home after the fifth, ninth, and twelfth absence, down from eight, twelfth, and fifteenth.