Title I Overview

  • Cash Valley Elementary School implements a school wide Title I program. This supplemental program provides additional resources to students and staff. These resources include additional instructional staff, instructional materials, parent programs, and professional development. The amount of funding for each school is based upon the percent of students meeting the criteria for Free and Reduced Meals. The School Improvement Plan outlines the focus of the Title I school wide program. Parents are invited to review and comment on this plan at any time. Copies of the plan are in the school office.

    The Title I program is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. As part of this legislation, parent and family input and engagement are recognized as key components in student success. A summary of the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan is distributed to all families.  Parents are encouraged to participate in the following opportunities.

    1. Parent input is requested on the development and review of the:
                   School Improvement Plan
                   Parent and Family Engagement Plan
                   School/Parent Compact
                   Parent and Family Engagement Budget
                   Annual Review of the Allegany County Parent and Family Engagement Plan

    2. Parents can obtain information, under Parent’s Right to Know, on the certification/licensure of the staff working with their children by clicking here

    3. Parents may voice complaints regarding the implementation of the Title I schoolwide program. Complaint forms may be obtained in the school office or by clicking here

    Parents from each grade level will be invited to join the Title I Parent Committee. In the spring, this committee will review the items in number one and make suggestions for the next school year. The drafted items will be presented to all parents in the fall for input. If you are interested in being a member of this team or if you have questions about the schoolwide Title I program, please contact the principal.