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PLTW Biomedical Students Honored At White Coat Ceremonies
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) - Biomedical Science students from Allegany High School, Fort Hill High School, and Mountain Ridge High School were recognized at their schools at the 6th Annual White Coat Ceremony. Each school held its own event. Fort Hill High School held its event on Thursday, April 19th at 8:00 am; Mountain Ridge High School held its event on Tuesday, May 7th at 10:00 am; and Allegany High School’s ceremony was on Monday, May 13th at 1:00 pm. Prior to the ceremonies, students showcased their research projects in a gallery walk.
The White Coat Ceremony is a recognition awarded to senior students who have successfully completed the entire four-course sequence for the PLTW Biomedical Science Program. Receiving the White Coat serves as a reminder to students of their journey and their commitment to continuing to apply themselves beyond high school to make their goals a reality. Keynote speakers at each ceremony were: alumni, Payton Sharpless, Fort Hill; alumni, Emily Evans, Allegany; and Dr. Gretchen E. Seibert, DDS, Mountain Ridge.
During the ceremony, students were also presented with a gray graduation cord to be worn with their robes at graduation. This honor is bestowed upon all students who complete a Career and Technical Education Pathway in the Allegany County Public School System.
The final recognition of the evening was the announcement of the mock interview winner for the county-wide event held virtually in April. Brycen Ritchie, a senior student from Mountain Ridge High School, was selected by the mock interview panel as the top student in the county based on her interview, portfolio, and resume. Brycen is the son of Robert and Jennifer Ritchie. Brycen plans to attend Frostburg State University to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Health Science. After, he plans to pursue a master’s degree in Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies.
Joseph Brewer, Supervisor of Career and Technical Education, stated, “We are proud of the seniors who have completed the rigorous Project Lead the Way program at Allegany County Public Schools. Each senior demonstrated hard work and perseverance. We are confident that they will be successful in all of their future endeavors.”
The PLTW Program began in ACPS in the 2014-2015 school year with the inclusion of the first course, Principles of Biomedical Sciences. Current program enrollment in Allegany County stands at 335 students. This year, the program will graduate 48 completers from the program.
"Congratulations to an exceptional group of seniors who have excelled in their high school career, and good luck in your future endeavors,” commented Dr. Eric VanSlyke, Secondary Science Supervisor and Coordinator of the PLTW Biomedical program. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever!.”