• Parent-Teacher Organization

    Cresaptown Elementary School is proud of its active Parent Teacher Organization.Each year, PTO members conduct fundraisers to raise money to provide students and teachers with additional instructional supplies, materials and equipment to help insure student academic success.The Cresaptown PTO also works closely with the school administration to organize and conduct many instructional and fun activities and programs that enhance the curriculum.Join PTO!Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Cresaptown PTO Officers for 2017-2018

    Carly Rice, President

    Joy Tabb, Vice President

    JanaPowell, 2nd VP

    Courtney Martinson, Treasurer

    Hope Finzel Jensen, Secretary

    Cami Blank, Homeroom Parent Coordinator 

    All parents, grandparents, and community members are encouraged to join and actively participate in the Cresaptown Elementary PTO.Your involvement is crucial to the character development and academic success of our students.