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Every student will have access to the CCRS standards through high-quality instruction aligned with the standards every day. All teachers are prepared and receive the support needed to implement the standards in classrooms, so students are college and career ready.VISION STATEMENTOur educational vision is to promote in our students the ability to think critically, solve problems, work in teams, use technology, be self-directed, and to demonstrate good citizenship and community service. We are committed to developing a college and career-ready culture at Westmar to support each student's dreams and future goals.CORE VALUES
- Wellness as a means to enhance an individual's self-image as well as intellectual, social, physical, and emotional growth
- Individualizing educational experiences that remove barriers to students' success and promote independence
- Lifelong learning and professional growth as the basis for outstanding instruction and positive outcomes in student learning
- Diversity as our strength and means of promoting civility and appreciation for existing differences in our learning community
- Creating and maintaining a culture of excellence
- Academic programs focusing on problem-solving, critical thinking, instructional technology, and innovation
- Trust, respect, and acceptance of responsibility for actions as the foundation for character development in a democratic society
- Shared responsibility for fostering a positive and productive school environment
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Westmar Middle School will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house in Morgantown, WV. Pop tabs will be weighed and then recorded on a bar graph monthly. Westmar students have delivered over 200 pounds per year for the past two years. Wow, that’s a lot of TABS!
Pop Tabs allow the Ronald McDonald Foundation to turn tabs into cash. This helps families who have a child admitted into Morgantown’s Hospital for extended stays. The Ronald McDonald Foundation provides these families and children with, not only a place to live during their stay, but playgrounds, gas cards, activity centers, and much more to help families feel a sense of home, while away from home.
Such a small contribution, with such big outcomes! Please drop tabs in Tabby’s collection cup located on the second floor, near Mrs. Snyder’s room. Thanks for all your help and support.