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Allegany High School Mock Trial Team Wins State Championship
Allegany High School’s Mock Trial Team are the State Champions for the 3rd time, winning over 142 high schools throughout the state.
Late last week the AHS Mock Trial Team, consisting of 5 seniors, 3 juniors, and 2 sophomores, traveled to Annapolis as one of the four teams to compete as guests of the MyLaw organization. The other teams consisted of The Park School (Baltimore County), Severna Park (Anne Arundel County), and Rockbridge Academy (Anne Arundel County).The semi-finals were held on Thursday, March 21st and the finals were held on Friday, March 22nd. The finals were held at the Supreme Court of Maryland in front of the Chief Justice of Maryland, Justice Fader.
“Allegany High School is so very honored and proud to earn their 3rd Maryland State Mock Trial Championship under the coaching of Mr. Brian White and Attorney Chris Logsdon,” say Heidi Laupert, Principal of Allegany High School. “To witness these young adults, from the time the opening statement is given to the closing argument, is quite phenomenal! The time, diligence, and hard work to perfect the plaintiff and defense sides are definite attributes that Mr. White has instilled during his legacy as Allegany's Mock Trial Coach. I also need to thank the parents of these student participants for supporting them as they proceeded all season long and now qualify for the National Mock Trial Championships in Delaware this May.”
The team was coached by Mr. Brian White and Attorney Chris Logsdon. This was Brian White’s 30th and final year coaching the team.
"I am extremely honored to have coached these gifted young adults to a State Championship,” says Mr. Brian White. “Coaching mock trial has been a passion of mine and that I have been fortunate enough to achieve three state championships for Allegany High School is beyond words. Each Championship has been unique and special to my students and me. There is nothing like winning the championship the first time (2009) or winning it in 2018 as the last State title being brought to the Sedgwick Street location of AHS and finally winning it my last year of coaching."
From Left to right: Principal Heidi Laupert, Coach Brian White, Coach Chris Logsdon, Carli Atkinson, Nick Wilt, Josef Sneathen, Emmanuel Kujenga, Colin Sheehe, Finnegan Gallagher, Maya Hare, Maddie Baker, Daniel Ly, Bryce Bridges, Assistant Principal Charles Moran. Chief Justice Mathew Fader and Associate Justice Michele Hotten of the Maryland Supreme Court.