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Stark Named Maryland Association of Soil Conservation District 2023 Teacher of the Year
Annie Stark has been named the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation District 2023 Teacher of the Year. Stark is currently a science teacher at Allegany High School and advisor to their Future Farmers of America Charter.
“Winning the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation District's (MASCD) 2023 Teacher of the Year award is a huge honor and something I am truly grateful for,” says Stark. “I could not have received this award without the support and generosity I received from Adam Heavner, Mona Lee, and Carl Robinette from the Allegany County Soil Conservation District and Allegany County Public Schools staff Joe Brewer, Heidi Laupert, Amy Llewellyn, Chuck Moran, and Eric VanSlyke.”
Stark was nominated for MASCD Teacher of the Year by the Allegany Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors. The nomination was based on Annie’s organization of AHS’s first ever FFA Charter, her teams’ placement at a state Land Judging competition in 2023, and AHS’s multiple wins during the county Envirothon competitions. Stark was also recommended, through letters of support, by Craig Hartsock, past Chair of the Maryland Envirothon Steering Committee and Heidi Laupert, Principal of Allegany High School.
“I am pleased to have one of our outstanding teachers recognized for a distinction such as this,” says Jeffrey S. Blank, Superintendent of Schools. “It speaks volumes to the quality of programs and teachers we have in our county."
Judging was based on Stark’s response to five items of “Content Narrative,” as well as support of specific topics within her class curricula.
The Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts (MASCD) is a non-profit, educational and charitable association organized on March 29, 1945. Its mission is to promote practical and effective soil, water, and related natural resources programs to all citizens through individual conservation districts on a voluntary basis through leadership, education, cooperation, and local direction.
Pictured are Annie Stark and John Swaine III, MASCD Board President.