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ACPS Bus Safety Tips For The New School Year
Allegany County Public Schools looks forward to welcoming students back starting August 26th. School being back in session means more than 100 school buses will be back on the interstate, and state and county roadways from Little Orleans to Frostburg.
Safely transporting the students to school and back over the 180-day school year is a tremendous responsibility that is shared between the transportation department, schools, parents, students, and the community. Here are some basic rules to help ensure school bus safety for everyone.
Students At The Bus Stop
The most dangerous time for a school bus is when it is stopped - picking up students in the morning or dropping off students in the afternoon.
Students should be at their bus stop and visible to the driver 5 minutes prior to the stop time. If there are multiple students at the stop, they should form a line, and board the bus in an orderly fashion. A bus stop is not the place to play games (tag, catch, etc.).
Students should never walk behind the bus. If a student must cross the road at a stop, crossing must be done in front of the bus where the driver can see the student, and signal to that student when it is safe to cross.
Upon boarding the bus, students should walk promptly to their assigned seat. Students need to always remain seated.
Bus rules
Once on the bus, it is important that bus rules are followed by all students to aide the driver in performing his/her very important role. The following list of rules are posted in each school bus:
• Obey the School Bus driver
• Sit properly and always remain seated
• Keep head and arms inside the bus
• Do not damage the bus; help keep it clean
• No eating or drinking
• No tobacco use, no smoking, no vaping
• No yelling, bullying or fighting
• No profane language
• Do not throw objects
• Do not block the aisle
• No cell phone use without permission of the driver
A bus driver’s job is a difficult one and when everyone follows school bus rules, everyone’s safety is greatly enhanced. Any distractions from inside the bus makes the driver’s job more difficult. It is very important for everyone that students follow these bus rules.
Safety on the roadway
It is important for the motoring public to be aware of the start of a new school year.
By obeying traffic laws, the public plays an important role in the safety of students as well. It is important to remember:
• All vehicles must stop when following or approaching a stopped school bus with its flashing red school bus lights activated. The only exception for approaching vehicles is if there is a grass or cement median that divides the highway.
• When amber flashing school bus lights are activated, it is a warning to all vehicles that the school bus is about to make a stop. Drivers should be alert and prepare for that bus to stop.
Safety in transportation is a shared responsibility. Let’s make sure we all do our part to help improve the safety of everyone and help ensure a great start to the new school year!