Contact Information

Phone: 301-759-2053


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Kim Kalbaugh

Chief Academic Officer

The Chief Academic Officer provides leadership, direction, and supervision in the development, implementation, evaluation, and coordination of curriculum and instruction (pre-k through grade 12). The Chief Academic Officer is responsible for the following departments:

The Transition to the Maryland College & Career-Ready Standards

  • During the 2013-2014 academic year, all Maryland schools, including ACPS fully implemented the Maryland College & Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) along with 45 other states and the District of Columbia.

    This initiative is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governor's Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. These rigorous standards provide a clear and consistent framework for what students should understand and be able to do in grades K-12 in order to graduate from high school prepared to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing college courses and the workforce. 

    The standards were developed in collaboration with classroom teachers, school-based instructional leaders, administrators, and higher education representatives. They are rich in content and practice and arranged in a coherent manner across all content areas and grade levels. The standards are research and evidence based, and internationally benchmarked.

    During the past four summers, instructional leaders, school principals, and their leadership teams have attended Educator Effectiveness Academies to build capacity for the full implementation of the MCCRS, STEM Education, and the new Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems (TPE). The principal and their teams will continue to lead professional development at their schools to ensure that all teachers are thoroughly trained and knowledgeable. 

    For more information about Maryland College & Career-Ready Standards, please click on the MDCCRS resource link on the left.  
    The Common Core Standards implemented in Maryland are called "Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards."

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