- Beall Elementary
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures 2016-17
Private Transportation - During arrival time use the side parking lot (enter on College Avenue and exit on University Drive) to drop your child off at school. There will be a designated drop off area at this location and a staff member will welcome students for the first two weeks of school. Do not park in the student drop off and walk your child into school. You must find a parking space if you are going to walk your child into school. Only use the Handicap parking if you have the permit. Also, do not park beside the dumpster or in the bus loading and unloading zone located at the front of the school building. Please do not block driveways of surrounding homes.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures Continued on Back
Bus - Students will be unloaded at the bus drop off location in front of the school. They will enter through the front doors. A staff member will welcome students at this location.
Walkers - Students should enter the front doors.
Dismissal Order 2016-17
3:00 p.m.-3:08 p.m.: Parents will report to cafeteria for student pickup. Cafeteria doors will be unlocked for dismissal starting at 2:55 p.m. Please arrive between 3:00 p.m.-3:08p.m. Students will be called at 3:10 p.m. There will not be another call for private transportation until 3:25 p.m. The goal is to eliminate the number of people in the hallway during dismissal time.
3:05 p.m.: Announcement to prepare for dismissal
3:10 p.m.: Dismissal Begins
- Kids Korner
- Bridge Program
- Private Transportation – Please exit through the cafeteria doors with your child to eliminate congestion in the hallways. Exceptions will be made for those with special needs.
3:15 p.m.: - Call first bus or West Walk Line
- Continue calling buses as they arrive
- Call East Walk Line when West Walk Line is clear
3:25p.m.: - Final call for all other students
* Please send a note on the first day of school if your child is private transportation or they walk to school. This will allow the teacher to verify the correct dismissal procedure for your child. If your child rides a bus to school this will be verified when they arrive at school on the first day.
PK Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
8:00-8:30 a.m. PK: Parent Drop off is in the cafeteria(please come to office after 8:30a.m. for assistance
11:30 a.m. Morning PK pick-up will occur on the East Side of the Building, Teacher Parking Lot next to storage building, parents will wait outside door for Instructional Assistants to bring your students to you. Parents may park behind cars for the short amount of time it will require to do the pick up.
12:30p.m. Afternoon PK drop-off will occur on the East Side of the Building, Teacher Parking Lot next to storage building, parents will wait outside door for Instructional Assistants to open the door for the students to enter. Parents may park behind cars for the short amount of time it will require to do the drop-off.
3:30p.m. Afternoon PK pick-up will occur in the cafeteria.